Kibana visualizations + How Cossette uses Elasticsearch


Jun 20, 2017, 10:00 PM – Jun 21, 2017, 1:00 AM


About this event

Members of the Elastic Kibana team will be in town, and looking forward to talking to you about Kibana. 

The last few releases have been jam packed with Kibana features and there are still more to come! Alex Francoeur, the senior technical product manager for Kibana will demo and discuss the new visualizations and analysis capabilities introduced in the last few releases. 

You'll also get a sneak peak into the feature-packed Kibana 5.5 release that is just around the corner as well as some huge features in 6.0

The Elastic Washington DC user group recently hosted Kibana Lightning Talks, and we'd like to try out them out.

The lightning talks will be informal, 5 min talks. Bring something you're eager to share with the community roughly aligned with the Kibana theme. Share a cool side project you're working on. A tool Kibana users would find useful. We're pretty open to anything around the theme of Kibana/analytics/dashboards/using Elastic Stack for analytics/etc.

Alex Francoeur is a Sr. Product Manager at Elastic. Prior to joining Elastic Alex has spent nearly the last decade in the IT Ops and APM space. Most recently, he was a Product Manager at Dynatrace focused on building out their new UI. Alex is passionate about data analytics, design and user experience.

Thank you to Cossette for hosting! Doors will open at 6pm and the talk will start at 6:30pm 

Kevin and Patrick from Cossette will also be giving a talk about installing ELK on AWS using Cloudformation, and how we use Elasticsearch for our Recommendation Engine [this talk with be in French] 

Kevin Bougeard Développeur back-end Python chez Cossette plus de 7 années d'expérience en développement back-end, Kévin s'est d'abord formé au sein d'agences web avant de se spécialiser dans le commerce en ligne et la gestion de flux produits complexes au sein d'une start-up nantaise.En veille constante sur les nouvelles technologies, il s'est ensuite orienté vers le traitement big data.

Patrick Salomon Directeur des Solutions Cloud chez Cossette à 20 ans d'expérience en TI, Patrick est un spécialiste des architectures robustes et des solutions pouvant supporter un important trafic.Il aime résoudre les problèmes et optimiser les processus pour améliorer la productivité des équipes et la fiabilité des projets.Son expérience variée, tant au niveau des grandes entreprises que des start-ups, combinée à son désir de constamment sortir de sa zone de confort et de penser autrement a une importante valeur ajoutée au sein de l'équipe.



June 20 – 21, 2017
10:00 PM – 1:00 AM UTC


  • Antoine Murry

    Community Organizer

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