Elastic Montreal Meetup - November: Security use cases


Nov 1, 2018, 10:00 PM – Nov 2, 2018, 12:30 AM


About this event

Save the date for our next meetup on Thursday, November 1.

The agenda for the evening will be:

6:00pm: Doors Open - food & beverages will be provided
6:30pm: Talk #1 - by Philippe Langlois, Security Incidents Manager at Sita.
7:00pm: Talk #2 - by Jérémie Farret, VP Intelligence & Analytique d’Affaires (I2A) chez Inmind Technologies
8-8:30pm: We'll wrap things up

Cyber Security and Mobility for Open Source Solutions

As part of its Open Source deployment activities, Inmind frequently encounters cybersecurity issues that require special approaches in terms of technical architecture or interfacing with existing systems. These constraints are accentuated when mobile devices are either analysis targets for the systems under consideration, or access terminals for the results of the analytical systems, or both. In addition, some innovations that can facilitate cybersecurity in such environments will be introduced as part of the presentation.

Mr. Jérémie Farret, VP Business Intelligence & Analytics at inmind Technologies, will discuss with an interest in cybersecurity in the context of open source application development. In this type of system, security is a particular challenge that sometimes requires different approaches in terms of technical architecture or interfacing with existing systems. Mr. Farret will present some of these approaches, as well as some of the innovations that can facilitate cybersecurity in such an open environment.

-Links with Open Source,
-Mobility and Cybersecurity Prevention opportunities
-When prevention is not enough:monitoring
-The impacts of cybersecurity on operations
-Use case: a corporate social network

In this talk, Philippe will share his experience on the deployment of logstash & elastic in a restricting network usage environment and what he is currently been building on the security aspect, like the indicator of compromise integration within the log enrichment in order to catch the bad guys.

Philippe have been working in security for the past 11 years as a Security incident manager and Security architect focusing on SIEM design, deployment and creating contents from use case correlation, reports to advanced threat detection. His focus is to make sure the security tools, like the SIEM, used by his team is well fit to meet their needs to monitor vast amount of data, for many assets, in order to find the hack, malwares and other security threat. His experience with ELK is new, as he was been previously working with Splunk back at his previous employer, Ubisoft. Now working for SITA, he is currently deploying the Elastic stack to a target of 400+ airports across the world.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philippe-langlois-686770147/

Thank you Code and Cafe for hosting us: https://www.meetup.com/Code-Cafe-Meetups/



November 1 – 2, 2018
10:00 PM – 12:30 AM UTC


  • Antoine Murry

    Community Organizer

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