Elastic meetup on Kibana, What's new in 6.x, and WikiSuite use case


Sep 17, 2018, 10:30 PM – Sep 18, 2018, 1:00 AM


About this event

Save the date for our next Elastic meetup in Montreal. The agenda for the evening is:

6:30pm - doors open, food & beverages will be provided

7:00pm - Introduction to what's new in Kibana

7:30pm - What’s new in Elastic Stack 6.x, including the latest release
of 6.3 with features like Rollups, SQL support for Elasticsearch,
and opening of X-Pack.

8:00pm - How Elasticsearch is used in WikiSuite and how this permits awesome things


Introduction to what's new in Kibana

In this talk we'll give an overview of the new features recently released for Kibana like one click sample data, input control, inspector, new geo-capabilities and then we'll demo them. We'll also get a sneak peak at index management and Canvas.

Bhavya Raju Mandya works as a QA engineer in the Kibana UI team. She is based in Montreal!

French Version:

Participez à la rencontre avec l'entreprise Elastic (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana et Beats) organisée en collaboration avec WikiSuite le lundi soir 17 septembre à l'espace multifonctionnel Code & Café.

Au programme de la soirée:

18h30 - Accueil (nourriture et boisson dispo.)
19h00 - Introduction aux nouveautés de Kibana
19h30 - Les nouveautés de la suite Elastic 6.x, incluant la version 6.3 qui ajoute de nouvelles fonctionnalités (les rollups et le support SQL) à Elasticsearch et la libération du code de X-Pack.
20h00 - Comment Elasticsearch est utilisé dans WikiSuite

Cet événement se déroule dans le cadre de la Semaine québécoise de l'informatique libre (SQiL) 2018 et de la première non-conférence WikiSuite.



September 17 – 18, 2018
10:30 PM – 1:00 AM UTC


  • Antoine Murry

    Community Organizer

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