Realtime Elasticsearch at High Scale and Elasticsearch 1.0 at Coloft

Los Angeles

Mar 26, 2014, 2:00 – 5:00 AM


About this event

We're back this month with two fantastic new Elasticsearch talks, covering both high scalability and the cutting edge of Elasticsearch features. Up first, we've got Chris Bradley from Edgecast's talk, "Realtime, High Throughput Traffic Monitoring with Elasticsearch", which will be followed by Elasticsearch core Developer Uri Boness's talk What's New in Elasticsearch 1.0. Uri and ES Core dev Andrew Selden will both be available to answer questions after their talks.

We'll have plenty of food and drinks on hand thanks, once again, to Elasticsearch, Inc. Also, a big thanks to for flying me down from my temporary snowy home in Minneapolis to host this meetup.

Full talk descriptions below!

Realtime, High Throughput Traffic Monitoring with Elasticsearch 

This talk will cover EdgeCast's use use of Elasticsearch as a mechanism for real-time monitoring of global traffic to the EdgeCast CDN. We do this to build trends and 'normal' usage patterns to use as baselines to find anomalous (mostly DDOS) traffic. Our system has been in production for 14 months now and has become a critical tool in our infrastructure. This talk will cover the high level implementation of message logging via Rsyslog to Logstash to Elasticsearch. This talk will also cover the custom software we have built to query Elasticsearch for trending and scoring information.

About Chris Bradley: Chris is a full stack software engineer at EdgeCast, working on their core software team. Prior to Edgecast Chris owned his own software contracting company specializing in embedded realtime Linux appliances, including smart routers. Chris has worked in network related software engineering for 13 years, and prior to that was an actual network engineer.

What's New in Elasticsearch 1.0 - Uri Boness

Uri Boness, Elasticsearch Core Developer, will be covering what's new
in Elasticsearch 1.0, as well as leaving ample time for audience Q&A.
Anything you want to know about Elasticsearch, just ask.

About Uri Boness: Uri Boness has over 12 years of open source Enterprise Java experience, many of which dedicated and focused on Apache Lucene related technologies. An active Apache Lucene community member, often with contributions to various open source projects in the Apache Lucene ecosystem. A consistent promoter and advocate of open source technologies and the founder of the Dutch Apache Lucene User… Group. Previously, Uri served as the head of the search department at Orange11, where he helped drive and secure Orange11′s position as an internationally renowned leader in open source search technologies. Build your own Elasticsearch cluster in seconds. Hosted and managed by search experts.

Elasticsearch: Elasticsearch Inc is a proud sponsor of the Los Angeles meetup. We're 
the company behind Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana and provide 
support subscriptions and training for all of them. 

Call for Speakers

Have an idea for a talk on Elasticsearch. If you're interested speaking shoot me an email at and I'll get right back to you!



Wednesday, March 26, 2014
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM UTC


  • Rich Horace



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