Multilingual text search + Elasticsearch from the bottom up

Los Angeles

Oct 30, 2014, 1:30 – 3:45 AM


About this event

Come hear talks by Njal Karevoll (Found) and Itamar Syn-Hersko (Code972)!

Thanks Demand Media for hosting!

Food and beverages will be provided by Demand Media :)

Please RSVP!


• 6:30 Doors open, food & drinks served 
• 7:00 Announcements
• 7:10 First speaker 
• 7:50 Break 
• 7:55 Second speaker 
• 8:30 Mingling 
• 8:45 Everyone leaves


Njål Karevoll, co-founder and senior software engineer at Found

Talk: Elasticsearch from the bottom up
The talk covers how Elasticsearch, Lucene and to some extent search engines in general actually work under the hood. We'll start at the "bottom" (or close enough!) of the many abstraction levels, and gradually move upwards towards the user-visible layers, studying the various internal data structures and behaviors as we ascend.  Elasticsearch provides APIs that are very easy to use, and it will get you started and take you far without much effort.  However, to get the most of it, it helps to have some knowledge about the underlying algorithms and data structures.  This understanding enables you to make full use of its substantial set of features such that you can improve your users search experiences, while at the same time keep your systems performant, reliable and updated in (near) real time.

Itamar Syn-Hersko, consultant and freelance developer at Code972

Talk: Approaches to multi-lingual text search with Elasticsearch
In this talk we will look at the challenges with supporting search over texts in multiple languages, and provide tools and advice on how to overcome them.



Thursday, October 30, 2014
1:30 AM – 3:45 AM UTC


  • Rich Horace



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