Inaugural Meetup with Jordan Sissel of Logstash!

Los Angeles

Jan 17, 2014, 3:00 – 6:00 AM


About this event

We'll be meeting Launchpad LA in Santa Monica this month, January 16, at 7:00 PM. We'll have a talk, by Jordan Sissel of Logstash fame (details below) and Dan Yoder of Panda Strike. Food and drinks (graciously sponsored by Elasticsearch, Inc.) will be provided as well!

If you'd like to attend please RSVP on the meetup page!


Jordan Sissel: The Wide World of Elasticsearch

Description: Learn about all the different ways Elasticsearch is used in the wild. From use in traditional documents search, IT log analytics, and geographical data, to statistical applications and nosql storage, Elasticsearch has found success in a wide variety of use cases. This talk will cover as many use cases as I can fit and will highlight why those use cases are made successful by features Elasticsearch.

About Jordan: Jordan is the project lead on logstash, an event transport and processing tool that works great with Elasticsearch. He has been using Elasticsearch mainly for log analysis for 4 years and joined the Elasticsearch team last year to help grow logstash. Outside of work, he is a father with two awesome kids and an amazing wife.

Dan Yoder: Alexandria: Archiving The Web Into Elastic Search

Description: At Panda Strike do a lot of crawling and archiving of Web
content. We built Alexandria in CoffeeScript and Node.js so we could
store that content in ElasticSearch. Among other benefits, this makes
it very easy to search or analyze it. We'll talk about the motivation
for doing this and why we chose ElasticSearch. We'll also briefly
touch on Pirate, which provides a simplified, generic interface for
storage and retrieval in ElasticSearch.

Bio: Dan Yoder is Chief Panda at Panda Strike, a Santa Monica-based
Node and CoffeeScript development shop. He's been programming since
the Apple II days and consequently most of what he's learned is now
entirely obsolete. You can nonetheless read the ramblings of Dan and
other Pandas at

Venue / Parking Details

The Launchpad office is located at 1520 2nd St., Santa Monica, CA 90401 – there's a  lot at 2nd/Colorado and meters in the area. There's also valet directly across the street from us outside the mall.Walk down the alley with the red brick wall just north of 1520 to the back of the building. Enter through the glass door in the corner of the covered parking area and come upstairs. There are black LPLA signs to guide you.Map:

Remember, launchpad is in back of the ivy covered brick building. You'll go through the alley to get there. Signs will guide you.

Brought to you by... Build your own Elasticsearch cluster in seconds. Hosted and managed by search experts.

Elasticsearch: Elasticsearch Inc is a proud sponsor of the Los Angeles meetup. We're
the company behind Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana and provide
support subscriptions and training for all of them. 

Launchpad: LA ranked #5 accelerator in the worldIntro to the LA startup community presentation:

Call for Speakers

Have an idea for a talk on Elasticsearch. If you're interested speaking shoot me an email at and I'll get right back to you!



Friday, January 17, 2014
3:00 AM – 6:00 AM UTC


  • Rich Horace



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