and CaseZero @Ticketmaster

Los Angeles

Jun 15, 2016, 2:00 – 5:00 AM


About this event

June's meetup will be our first where the presenters have built products on top of Elasticsearch. and CaseZero will be presenting at this meeting.  Come join us at Ticketmaster on June 14th at 7PM to learn more.


7:00 PM- 7:30 PM: Food, drinks, mingling

7:30 PM – 8:15 PM: SQL on Elasticsearch

8:15 PM – 9:00 PM: CaseZero: "Untitled" - what we talk about when we talk about data


Talk #1: SQL on Elasticsearch

Talk Abstract: Big Data is bigger than ever. The insertion and processing of billions of lines of data is at the core of many industries and use cases, and it is impossible to predict the rate at which data will flow into your environment. At high-volume times it is crucial that your database can scale to your needs, both up and down.

<a href="">Crate.IO built a database on top of elasticsearch that uses the benefits of the underlaying technologies and adds a SQL layer and other goodies. Crate.IO loves elasticsearch for its simplicity and beauty. The concept of simple setup, sharding, full text search and high availability was just what they also wanted to see in an operational database. The world of transactional RDMBS and analytical search get closer and closer. The result is a translytical database. Jodok and Johannes will show how they built their database, how they extended elasticsearch and what problems they encountered. They will show a demo about a typical IoT use case.

Speakers Bios:

Jodok Batlogg is widely recognized for his expertise in open source and big data. He was an early adopter of cloud services, in 2006, and began working with billions of records early on. Prior to founding Crate.IO, a developer of 100% open source data stores for data intensive apps, he was the CTO at StudiVZ (Germany’s Facebook), the CTO at Sevenload, and CEO of Lovely Systems. He was also a director of the open source Plone & Zope foundations.

Johannes Moser loves working with people and code. He was a developer and lead development teams almost all of his live. Providing an environment of creativity and freedom to let developers create better software is his passion. At Crate.IO he is Product Owner and Head of Integrations.

Talk #2: "Untitled" - what we talk about when we talk about data.

Talk Abstract: Despite all the advances in data science, data systems and overall human-computer interaction the essential challenge of data remains:  it's not what you know that's the issue it's what you don't know....   very few systems and approaches have made progress on the universal ontological problem of identifying just exactly what data is in a given data stream and what is a valid use of that data.   In this talk we'll go through our approach, which relies heavily on ElasticSearch and Kibana, to rapidly learning and using data streams we have very little knowledge about -  we will actually demonstrate the CaseZero approach to discovering insights on a data stream we've never personally nor systematically seen before.   At the end of this talk, based on what we learn, we can ex post facto title the talk.

Russell Foltz-Smith - Prior to cocreating CaseZero Russ was the GM and SVP, Data Products at TrueCar. He oversaw the creation and operation of the data platform, the industry's leading automotive marketplace intelligence system. Prior to TrueCar, Russ held product, business and technical leadership positions focused on large scale search and computational platforms at Wolfram Alpha, InterActiveCorp/IAC, Grind Networks and He has launched several startups and helped venture firms evaluate new technologies and startups Serge MadenianSerge takes ideas and turns them into tech products. He has worked in both startups and large institutions, building back-end and large-scale systems. Recently he was head of the Data Intelligence group at TrueCar, where he oversaw the creation of business critical systems, such as vehicle pricing, using big data. Prior to TrueCar, Serge helped ICANN manage the new gTLD application process. He also led the emerging business department of Core Objects (acquired by Symphony Services) where he architected the roll out of multiple startups.



Wednesday, June 15, 2016
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM UTC


  • Rich Horace



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