Stepping out for Coffee with JUG Bangalore


Aug 10, 2019, 4:30 – 7:30 AM

14 RSVPs

About this event

Hello Everyone,

The August Elastic Meetup will be on August 10th! Shoutout to Lastminute and Java User Group Bangalore for collaboration!

Come join us and ask us all the questions you have on Elastic Stack & Java :)


10.00am - 10.15am - Registration

10.15am - 10.30am - Welcome & intro from the host (

10.30am - 11.30am - Monitoring your Java Applications with Elastic APM, Aravind Putrevu, Engineer, Elastic

Slow applications are no fun. Application performance monitoring (APM) makes tracking down issues problems much easier. But which tools should you use?

With the release of Elastic APM, there’s a new option. Language server and Java client is fully open source (Apache 2.0) so you can get started with any app.

Elastic’s APM was released sometime ago, so it’s a very fresh option for tracing performance problems in Java applications (and other runtimes as well). The basic platform is free so it should be a welcome change for Java developers used to spending huge bills on comparable hosted platforms.

It’s useful out of the box for tracing basics on web requests including: - Request details - Response time percentiles - Transaction timelines - Application errors and stack traces - Individual code lines - Distributed Tracing

It can also be used to track any custom span in any Java application to find out where time is being lost and users are being slowed down.

About APM:
Github: Community

11.20am - 11.40am - Tea break

11.40am - 12.30pm - Awesome Cloud Native Applications with Quarkus and Kubernetes, Kamesh Sampath, Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat

Historically Java was able to handle the biggest enterprise problem(s) with its Write once,run anywhere(WORA) paradigm. With Cloud Native Applications grown to popularity, things like running applications as linux containers, serverless taking centre stage — Java was pushed back by languages like golang, node.js as the forerunner to build Cloud Native Applications as they are smaller, quicker and arguably more nimble.

In this session we will see how the birth of Quarkus is bringing back the crown to Java as defacto language to build the enterprise applications. This demo filled session will start to explore how to create, build and deploy Cloud Native Java Applications using Quarkus and Kubernetes. The Java applications built this way are tiny as a subatomic particle(Quark) and tend to boot and run at supersonic speed.

The session also shows Quarkus as a “Developer’s Joy” with things like live reload, building interactive database applications with Hibernate. With out of the box MicroProfile support and with its plethora of extensions like SmallRye OpenTracing, SmallRye Metrics, Reactive Messaging, Vert.x, Camel, Kubernetes the developers are going to find developing applications with Java and Java EE is going to awesome forever!

12.30pm - 01.00pm - Lightning talk ( speaker - will be announced soon).
Link to JUG meetup:

Thanks and regards
Elastic Explorers Bangalore

Elastic India Community Group -
Products of Elastic :
Why it is called Elastic Stack :



Saturday, August 10, 2019
4:30 AM – 7:30 AM UTC

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