July Elastic Meetup


Jul 12, 2018, 1:00 – 4:00 PM


About this event

- This is a free event -

We're looking for a venue, let me know/comment below if you are interested to host us.

Hello Everyone,

We're planning to do this meetup on 12th July (Thursday).

Come join us and ask us all the questions you have on Elastic Stack :)

We're finalizing the venue and talks. But we'd most probably like to see what you want to hear from us. Please let us know if you want to speak/host us.


1. Talk 1
Title: What's new in Elastic Stack 6.3?
Name: Aravind Putrevu
Designation: Developer | Evangelist
Company : Elastic

We will discuss on the new features of Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats.

Some of them were
- SQL with Elasticsearch
- Rollups
- Index management
- and so on..

2. Talk 2
Title: Elasticsearch API 101 (Hands-on Practical Approach with Elastic Cloud)
Name: Heartin Kanikathottu
Designation: Senior Member Technical Staff
Company : VMWare
Blogs: CloudMaterials.com, JavaJee.com
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/heartin

Objective of this 101 session is to get started with and understand the Elasticsearch 6 APIs with minimum theory and maximum practice.

You may practice along using a free account on Elastic Cloud with an Elasticsearch 6.x cluster. Starter code (JSON and Java) will be provided for each API/ topic, and attendees can simply add / modify the code as per the topics covered in the session.

3. Ask Us Anything and Networking

Thanks and regards
Elastic Explorers Bangalore

Elastic India Community Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElasticIndiaUserGroup/
Products of Elastic : https://www.elastic.co/products
Why it is called Elastic Stack : https://www.elastic.co/elk-stack



Thursday, July 12, 2018
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM UTC

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