December Elastic Meetup


Dec 8, 2018, 5:00 – 8:00 AM


About this event

Hello Everyone,

The December Elastic meetup is here!

Interested in learning new features full-text search, managing event logs or monitoring your application?

Come join us and ask us all the questions you have on Elastic Stack :)


1. Talk 1
Title: What's new in Elasticsearch 6.5?
Name: Aravind Putrevu
Designation: Developer Advocate
Company : Elastic

6.5.0 is here.

It may be labelled a minor version, but there’s nothing minor about this release. 6.5 introduces many new features - from foundational stack-level features that apply to multiple use cases to more solution-specific features that aim to provide more turnkey experiences around specific use cases.

- Cross Cluster Replication Beta
- Java 11 support and G1GC
- Infrastructure & Logs UI
- APM: Distributed Tracing , Java & GoLang Agents
- Kibana: Canvas, Spaces, Rollup UI
- Machine Learning: Automatic Data Ingestion & Mapping
- Beats - Functionbeat, Journalbeat Beta

are to name a few.. I'll do a demo to cover some.

2. Talk 2
Title: Building scalable production system with Elasticsearch
Name: Gaurav Bahrani
Designation: Cheif Technology Officer
Company : MeTripping

3. Ask Us Anything and Networking

Thanks and regards
Elastic Explorers Bangalore

Elastic India Community Group -
Products of Elastic :
Why it is called Elastic Stack :



Saturday, December 8, 2018
5:00 AM – 8:00 AM UTC

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