April Meetup with David Pilato, Developer at Elasticsearch


Apr 25, 2018, 12:00 – 4:00 PM


About this event

- This is a free event -

Hello Everyone,

On 25th April, We're going discuss on Awesomeness of Elasticsearch with David Pilato (http://david.pilato.fr), Developer in Elasticsearch and also an Evangelist. We'd have a talk from Aravind Putrevu, who is looking after Developer Relations function in India.

We're planning to have Open Forum. Come join us and ask us all the questions you have on Elastic Stack :)

We're finalizing the venue and talks. But we'd most probably like to see what you want to hear from us.


1. Talk 1
Title: Advanced (elastic)search for your legacy application
Name: David Pilato
Designation: Developer | Evangelist
Company : Elastic

Advanced (elastic)search for your spring boot application

How do you mix SQL and NoSQL worlds without starting a messy revolution?

This live coding talk will show you how to add Elasticsearch to your legacy application without changing all your current development habits. Your application will have suddenly have advanced search features, all without the need to write complex SQL code!

David will start from a Spring Boot, Hibernate and MySQL based application and will add a complete integration of Elasticsearch, all live from the stage during his presentation.

2. Talk 2
Title: TBD
Name: Aravind Putrevu
Designation: Developer | Evangelist
Company : Elastic

3. Ask Us Anything and Networking

Thanks and regards
Elastic Explorers Bangalore

Elastic India Community Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElasticIndiaUserGroup/
Products of Elastic : https://www.elastic.co/products
Why it is called Elastic Stack : https://www.elastic.co/elk-stack



Wednesday, April 25, 2018
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM UTC

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