Elastic Meetup at Bloomberg Government


Oct 24, 2018, 10:00 PM – Oct 25, 2018, 12:30 AM


About this event

A preview of the upcoming Kibana GIS app

Mike will talk about how to extend and enhance Elasticsearch geo capabilities with the forthcoming Kibana GIS application for both ad-hoc analysis and dashboard presentation. See how to use the layer-based UI for adding, styling, and reordering layers with data from aggregations and individual documents.

Mike Barretta is a Solutions Architect for Elastic focused on helping ensure the federal government receives its fair share of the future. The past ten years of his efforts have primarily revolved around technologies and techniques for simplifying the extraction and utilization of information from lots of data: distributed computing, natural language processing, machine learning, and mission-driven analytics.

Hunting the Unknown Unknowns > Detecting Unknowns with Elasticsearch Machine Learning

This talk will be more focused on experience with Machine Learning capabilities of Elasticsearch.

Joe Alex, will share lessons learned, problems solved, and solutions implemented while running one of the largest Elasticsearch clusters out there.

Senior Big Data Engineer, Network Security | Verizon

Joe Alex is a Senior Big Data Engineer in Verizon’s Network Security division. In his role, he works with data at petabytes scale using technologies like

Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Impala, Splunk. Joe's current projects mainly involve in collecting, storing, and analyzing network security/operations data in order to find meaningful insights using Analytics, Machine Learning and Predictive Analysis to enable the customer.

If you’re interested in Elastic trainings [there is a fee], our team is coming to Washington DC on October 22-24. You can register here: https://training.elastic.co/location/DC-Washington



October 24 – 25, 2018
10:00 PM – 12:30 AM UTC


  • Subash Thota

    Community Organizer

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