Elastic, Clusters, Monitoring...


Oct 17, 2018, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM


About this event

Hi all,

Updates for the MeetUp

It will be at Springboard 201, a sleek, modern, and minimalist co-work space.


Anthony Lazam, is a system administrator with years of experience in working in different infrastructure. A sysad who loves to use OSS to solve various problems from reliability, observability, scalability and automation.

- Elastic Stack setup with Logstash and without Logstash
- How to monitor system and applications using the Elastic stack

Lyndon George Camson, is the Solutions Architect for Information Services in Red Flag Group. He is also currently the sole Kubernetes subject matter expert in RFG. As K8s SME, he is responsible for the setup and management of their kubernetes infrastructure. He is also the tasked with driving the migration of existing and future applications to kubernetes.

- Brief introduction to kubernetes
- Kubernetes workloads with emphasis on Statefulsets
- Deploying Elasticsearch on Kubernetes

I hope to see you there.

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