O11y With Elastic, Running Stateful apps on GKE, Elastic 7.5 latest and greatest

Tel Aviv

Dec 17, 2019, 3:00 – 5:30 PM

27 RSVPs

About this event

Israel Gofman, Customer Engineer at Google, will talk about best practices for building Kubernetes stateful solutions on google cloud (GKE). Roy Zanbel, Elastic Cloud Product Manager, will talk about Elastic new features as part of our latest release and will demo Elasticsearch Data Transforms & Kibana Lens. Philipp Kernn, Developer Advocate at Elastic, will talk about how to make your applications more observable by using by Elastic Stack.

Talk 1: Stay in the know with all the latest features. 

Learn about the features the team has been working on and get a glimpse of: Lens - visualize and explore data in a simple and intuitive way. Data Transforms - pivot your data from multiple indices and create a new, entity centric, summarized index that is constantly being updated as you continue to ingest data.

Talk 2: Best practices for building Kubernetes stateful solutions on google cloud (GKE).

Talk 3: More Observable Systems with Elastic Stack

We are deepening the insights you can get from your application with the Elastic Stack with every release. Let’s discuss some of the latest developments:

* ECS and the new ECS logging libraries.

* Monitoring your cloud infrastructure.

* Better Kubernetes insights.

* Connecting your APM traces with logs.

* Health checks with a look into the future.



Tuesday, December 17, 2019
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM UTC

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