Elastic stack 6.0 launch party

Tel Aviv

Dec 6, 2017, 3:30 – 6:30 PM


About this event

Heya Elastic users,

Elastic stack 6.0 is out and it's time to celebrate!

Join the Elastic team at the awesome Midspace offices in Tel Aviv, where we will live stream the the official Elastic Stack 6.0 world wide event, led by Shay Banon and the team leads for Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash. It's a great chance to network with your fellow Elastic users in the holy land. We will also have a few Elastic folks on site which will be able to answer questions and share some insights about the release. And of course, we'll be sure to share some nice treats and swag.

Gathering starts at 17:30, livestream starts at 18:00.

Livestream Agenda:

18:00 - 18:15: The 6.0 Foreword with Shay Banon. How we got here and where we go next.

18:15 - 18:30: Elasticsearch 6.0 with Clint. With the move to Lucene 7, Elasticsearch 6.0 adds powerful features like index sorting for speedier sorted queries and sparse doc values for reduced disk storage. Plus, a brand new upgrade experience. Get a taste of these and other exciting features shipping in Elasticsearch 6.0.

18:30 - 18:45: Kibana 6.0 with Court. From improved interface accessibility (adios Kibana pink) to tighter access control with Dashboard Only Mode, there’s a lot to be excited about in Kibana 6.0. Get up to speed on the latest.

18:45 - 19:00: Logstash 6.0 with Jordan. Logstash 6.0 is all about more visibility and simpler management. Multiple pipelines, central config management, and a brand new pipeline viewer. Demo these features with us, the view is spectacular.

19:00 - 19:15: Beats 6.0 with Monica. Auditbeat joins the Beats family to tap into your Linux audit framework. Plus, new options in Filebeat and Metricbeat that dig deeper into container and orchestration metrics. Dive into the details of the growing Beats family.

19:15 - 19:20: Elastic APM with Ron and Rasmus. Get a sneak preview at the upcoming beta of the Elastic solution for Application Performance Monitoring.

19:30 - 20:30: Networking



Wednesday, December 6, 2017
3:30 PM – 6:30 PM UTC

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