ECK & Free Security, Kibana Maps app & Lens Project, Kibana Plugins Development

Tel Aviv

Jun 12, 2019, 3:30 – 6:00 PM


About this event

Another episode in Elastic IL meetup group!

This time around, we have two guest speakers from the Elastic team, and one community speaker. Roy Zanbel, Product Manager for Elastic Cloud, will talk about our latest announcements around Free Security & ECK (Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes). Alona Nadler, Product Manager for Kibana, will talk about the shiny new Maps app in Kibana and the Lens project.
Our guest speaker, Itay Weinberger, CEO of Joola, will share from his experience on creating and maintaining Plugins on Kibana.

18:30 - 19:00 - Gathering
19:00 - 19:30 - Talk 1: ECK ( Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes) & Free Security!
Following by the recent announcements about Elastic Cloud on K8s (ECK) and that the core security features of the Elastic Stack are now free, we will introduce and demo the newly released ECK Operator as well as our core Security features.

19:30 - 19:45 - Break

19:45 - 20:15 - Talk 2: Kibana new Maps and The Lens project
Geospatial data is everywhere. Monitoring the source of a denial-of-service attack in real time? mapping the top cities that drive your web traffic?
From search to analysis to interactive maps. Learn how you can use the Kibana Maps to capture the value of your geo data, without the need for specialized geospatial applications.
Simple and intuitive, in early days Kibana was a tool build by engineers for engineers but that is no longer the case. Project Lens is a new Kibana project to visualize and explore data in a simple and intuitive way.

20:15 - 20:45 Talk 3: Plugin development for fun and profit
My journey with Kibana starts 5 years ago, during the twilight of version 3 and it officially joining Elastic. Maintaining a commercial fork for such a long time sets a unique set of challenges for the development team. During this talk I wish to share our experience and knowledge we've gained over the years.
- Should I fork Kibana?
- The anatomy of a plugin
- Get started with developing your first plugin
- Kibana plugin ecosystem and being a part of it



Wednesday, June 12, 2019
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM UTC

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