Container monitoring with the Elastic Stack, intro to Elastic Cloud

Tel Aviv

Dec 14, 2016, 4:30 – 7:30 PM


About this event


18:30-19:00 - Gathering 

19:00-19:10 - Opening works 

19:10-19:55 - Monitor your containers with the Elastic Stack - Philipp Krenn 

Containers are quickly gaining popularity as the preferred tool for deploying and running services. While being easier to deploy and isolate, containerized applications are creating new challenges for the logging and monitoring systems.

This talk will look into the details about how the Elastic Stack, and in particular Beats — lightweight shippers — are gathering data from containers.

We will cover fetching logs from containers, collecting different measurements from cgroups, collecting metrics using the Docker API, enhancing the data with the metadata of the containers, monitoring the network traffic exchanged between containers, and collecting metrics from the underlying host

About the Speaker: Philipp is a Developer Advocate at Elastic, spreading the love and knowledge of full-text search, analytics, and real-time data. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and meetups about all things search & analytics, databases, cloud computing, and devops. Philipp lives in Vienna where he enjoys experimenting with software, organizing meetups, and sports.

20:00 - 20:30 - Intro to Elastic Cloud and Elastic Cloud Enterprise - Uri Cohen 

Elastic Cloud  is the hosted offering from Elastic, we'll touch on that and see a short demo for how it works. We'll then touch on Elastic Cloud Enteprise, which is the on premise version of Elastic Cloud and allows users to centrally provision and manage multiple clusters and Kibana instances. 

About the speaker: Uri is Product manager for Cloud and Cloud Enterprise at Elastic

20:30-21:00 - Networking 



Wednesday, December 14, 2016
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM UTC

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