Automotive Cyber Security cloud powered by Elasticsearch 5.4 and Docker & More

Tel Aviv

Nov 12, 2017, 4:30 – 7:30 PM


About this event

We'll show how we integrated elastic search for collecting errors from our deployments, processing and categorizing them, and reporting them to our engineering team.

We'll discuss architecture, why we chose ES and the different components, implementation details and AWS integration, and a quick demo.

Monitoring Your Services with the Elastic Stack - Philipp Krenn

Hey Elastic users, 

It's time for another awesome Elastic meetup! In this meetup we will learn about Automotive Cyber Security Cloud powered by Elasticsearch 5.4 and Docker, and Monitoring Your Services with the Elastic Stack.


18:30-19:00 - Gathering 

19:00-19:05 - Opening words 

19:05 - 19:35 - How we use Elasticsearch to find bugs in production - Eyal Posener

19:40-20:10 - Automotive Cyber Security Cloud powered by Elasticsearch 5.4 and Docker - Alex Fok & Lev Ozeranksy

20:15 - 20:45 - Monitoring Your Services with the Elastic Stack - Philipp Krenn

20:45 - Networking

* How we use Elasticsearch to find bugs in production 

We'll show how we integrated Elasticsearch for collecting errors from our deployments, processing and categorizing them, and reporting them to our engineering team. We'll discuss architecture, why we chose ES and the different components, implementation details and AWS integration, and a quick demo.

Eyal Posener: Eyal is a software engineer at Stratoscale.

* Automotive Cyber Security cloud powered by Elasticsearch 5.4 and Docker

Do you know how many lines of code contain modern cars? Do you know how many computers area in modern cars? Did you ever think of who is controlling your steering wheel? In our presentation we will answer these questions and will show you how we protect modern car infrastructure with extremely flexible and powerful cloud architecture based on Elastic Search 5.4 and Docker ecosystem. Live demo and samples source code will be provided to the attendees.

Alex Fok: Alex Fok brings twenty years of experience of software development in leading Israeli and US High Tech comapanies. Alex has lead various development projects as Group Manager, Architect and CTO. Alex was Chief Architect of ooVoo – High Scale Software As a Service platform, handling hundreds of millions of customers worldwide. Alex was CheckPoint Big Data Architect leading several projects focused on Big Data and Machine Learning in Cyber Security domain. Currently Alex is focused on Automotive Cyber Security as CTO of Enigmatos.

Lev Ozeransky: Lev Ozeransky is seasoned Backend Developer and Solution Architect that was one of the first Elastic Search customers. Since then, he keeps digging into its evolving ecosystem and now succeeded to join it with Docker and its tools.

* Monitor Your Services with the Elastic Stack

"With microservices every outage is like a murder mystery" is a common complaint. But it doesn't have to be! This talk gives an overview on how to monitor Spring Boot applications, since they are increasingly popular for building microservices. We dive into:

-  System metrics: Keep track of network traffic and system load.

- Application logs: Collect structured logs in a central location.

- Uptime monitoring: Ping services and actively monitor their availability and response time.

- Application metrics: Get the information from Boot's metrics and health via REST or JMX.

- Request tracing: Use Sleuth to trace requests through a distributed system and Zipkin to show how long each call takes.

And we will do all of that live, since it is so easy and much more interactive that way.

Philipp Krenn: Philipp is part of the infrastructure team and a developer advocate at Elastic. He is frequently talking about full-text search, databases, operations, and security. Additionally, he is organizing multiple meetups in Vienna.



Sunday, November 12, 2017
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM UTC

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