Software Build Monitoring and New Ingest Features in Elastic Stack 5.0


Jul 27, 2016, 1:00 – 4:00 AM


About this event

Join us on Tuesday July 26th to learn how Concur uses Elasticsearch to monitor and analyze large scale builds, and hear from Elastic about the new ingest features in Elastic Stack 5.0.

See you soon!


• 6:00 - 6:30pm: Start with beverages and food.

• 6:30pm - 8:00pm: Listen to some awesome talks.

• 8:00pm - on: Mingle, mix, chat things Elasticsearch and more as we wind down.


Real time software build metrics and analysis

Bill Westfall - Concur

In this talk I will go over how we have utilized Elasticsearch for real time build failure metrics and analysis against a large scale job implementation.  I will show how a team can use Elasticsearch to target non standard (internal build and deploy) processes.

• Implementation of Jenkins logstash and build failure data for both resiliency and availability
• Populating build failure analysis data to MongoDB and synchronizing to Elasticsearch
• Reading array data for an asynchronous update process to categorize build failures in Elasticsearch
• Kibana visualizations for our top level configuration management processes as well as the build failure metrics

Bill Westfall has worked in the software field for more than 15 years.  Among other things he has helped implement automated testing and automated builds/deploys at Concur, created our configuration management process for mobile applications, and served as operations engineer for the TripIt division for several years. Bill's current focus in on bringing the right tools and processes to bear for metrics and analysis for configuration management processes. Previous to his career in software I was an environmental analytical chemist for 10 years.

New ingest features coming to Elastic Stack 5.0

Suyog - Elastic

There are a lot of great new features in Elastic Stack 5.0 and Suyog with Elastic will present what's new for ingest in Elastic Stack 5.0.

Suyog develops for the Logstash project, supports customers, and trains users on the ELK stack. Previously, he worked on a high-throughput, low-latency infrastructure for ingesting and analyzing terabytes of log data using Elasticsearch, Apache Kafka, and Storm. He is proficient in Java and C++ and loves working with open source technologies.


Thank you Concur for hosting this event.

The Concur building is across the street from the Bellevue bus Transit Center. West of the 405 freeway off 8th Street.



Wednesday, July 27, 2016
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC

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