Elasticsearch Query Internals and Profiling


Mar 23, 2016, 1:00 – 4:00 AM


About this event

Join us to learn more about Elasticsearch query internals, profiling and tuning from Zachery Tong with Elastic.

There will be drinks and pizza, courtesy of Elastic. There will be stickers, and a handful of t-shirts as well.

Elastic Stack Overview - Chad Pryor
We will kick off the startup with an overview of the Elastic Stack, from Chad Pryor with Elastic. At the last meetup a lot of people were asking for an overview of the Elastic stack. Chad will present an overview of the Elastic stack to provide some context for those that would like it before Zachery dives deep into query profiling.

Writing Good Elastic Queries - Zachary Tong
Writing a good query can require experience, intuition, and sometimes, divination. We'll discuss how the Elasticsearch DSL translates to Lucene queries, the stages of query execution and collection, and how the new query profiler can be used to identify slow components.

Zachary Tong - @ZacharyTong
Officially trained as a molecular neurobiologist, Zach somehow convinced Elastic to hire him as a developer. He dabbles in Java, fondly remembers v0.18, and co-authored Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide.

6:00 - Networking Elastic Chat over food and drinks
6:30 - Elastic Stack Overview
7:00 - Writing Good Elasticsearch Queries 
7:45 - TBD 
7:45 - Wrap up and more Elastic discussions


Thank you Concur for hosting this event.

The Concur building is across the street from the Bellevue bus Transit Center. West of the 405 freeway off 8th Street.

There is parking under the building, but it's $20. 
The Barnes and Noble lot costs $14 until 10pm. 
There is free after-hours parking a block West in the mall.

The doors to the building will close at 6pm and please try to enter by the corner on NE 6th street or below Starbucks. We will be watching for people to let them in, and you can send me a text if you are unable to get in the building at 425-301-2722.

There are still openings in Hands On Workshop with Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, as well as the Core Elasticsearch Operations/Developer trainings. This is a great way to increase your Elastic Stack skills.




Wednesday, March 23, 2016
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC

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