Elastic meetup at Certona –– Elastic Stack Alerting & 6.0 is coming

San Diego

Nov 9, 2017, 2:00 – 5:00 AM


About this event

Join us for our upcoming meetup on November 8 in San Diego. Thank you to Certona for hosting us! 


6:00pm - doors open, food & beverages available 

6:30pm - Introduction from Certona 

6: 45pm - Elastic Stack Alerting by Nick Peterson with Q&A 

7:15pm - 6.0 is coming by Henry Pak with Q&A

8:00-8:30pm - wrap things up. 

Elastic Stack Alerting 

Alerting in the Elasticsearch X-Pack is incredibly powerful but the learning curve can be intimidating. In this session we'll go over the basics of Alerting to get you up and running with simple threshold alerts and also dip our toes into a few more advanced use cases to demonstrate the full flexibility of Alerting.

Nick Peterson is an Engineering Lead at Veyo Logistics in downtown San Diego. Veyo is a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation company that uses Elasticsearch throughout it's stack for both logging and alerting.

6.0 is coming 

To help our awesome community prepare we will be doing a run through of the major changes that will land with the Elastic Stack in 6.0.

We have things like rolling-major version upgrades, even more Lucene data structure optimisations, sequence IDs, saying farewell to _types, dashboard modes, automated cluster alerts, Logstash pipelines and a pipeline viewer, Beats integration with kubernetes and a whole raft of new Beats modules.

Our Pioneer Program also makes a return, so if you are already using the beta releases of the stack and are submitting issues, you're a winner! 

Henry Pak is a Solutions Architect for Elastic based out of Los Angeles, CA.  With a focus on data analytics and integration, Henry has been helping enterprises across a wide range of verticals more easily access and derive meaningful information from their data


1. Entrance to 10431 from Wateridge Circle will guide you to the parking lot

2. You'll take a set of stairs up to the building 

3. The building is under construction, so you'll enter through the wooden covered area to the front entrance 

4. You can take the elevator up to the 2nd floor or use the stairs by the "Hello" sign. 

5. Enter through the glass doors, and someone will be there to meet you. 

If you have any issues with accessing the building please contact Alex at 858. 369.3888 x205. 



Thursday, November 9, 2017
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM UTC

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