Search & Analytics @ La Redoute, Elastic Roadmap 6.5+


Mar 28, 2019, 6:30 – 8:30 PM


About this event


Dear Members,

Two talks will take place “Search & Analytics @ La Redoute” and “Elastic Roadmap 6.5+”, focused on sharing the usefulness, benefits and challenges within scaled and enterprise context. Details of the talks are below.

The event is organized jointly with TICE.Leiria, Startup Leiria, and La Redoute, and will take place at the auditorium Manuel Artur Santos in the Mercado Santana, below the StartUp Leiria office, at 18h30 and until 20h30, with informal networking break,

The event is free and requires inscription on Meetup, thanks in advance for your participation and for your help in sharing the event,

Hoping to see you there!

Talk 1 : Search & Analytics at Scale @ La Redoute
Filipa Nogueira and David Frazão will share with us their experience on using Elasticsearch in an enterprise context, delivering fast search and analytics capabilities.

The first part will focus on sharing its architecture and challenges of processing millions of objects being, logs or documents a day, accumulating 170+ millions of documents within the Elasticsearch cluster.

In the second part we’ll focus on solving business need and challenges around our Customer Experience and how Elasticsearch is helping us answer the functional and non-functional requirements.

The talk will end on balance and learnings regarding Elastic use in an enterprise context, and having a look at our roadmap.

Talk 2 : What's New in Elastic Stack 6.5+
Tiago Costa and João Duarte will share with us the Product Vision around the Elastic Stack.

The last update brings new capabilities like index lifecycle management, frozen indices, backed geoshapes, elasticsearch SQL enhancements, and more. It will also be the opportunity to share with the community Elastic capabilities and major functionalities such as Application Performance Management, Security and Machine Learning capabilities.

We will take the opportunity to have Tiago and João there to get more insights from the community using Elastic open source products.

Filipa Nogueira
Filipa Nogueira works as a Tech Lead on the IT department of La Redoute in Leiria where her tasks include team and project management, quality evaluation and reporting, and product development. She is also a Ph.D. candidate of the Doctoral Program in Information Science and Technology, at University of Coimbra and a member of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC), Portugal. Her current main research interest focuses in the concepts related to Software Maintainability, Software Reliability and Software Testing.

David Frazão
David is an OPS lead on the IT department of La Redoute in Leiria working with the ElasticSearch stack and other tools to collect, parse and visualize data from IT and business processes. Focus on helping colleagues to understand better what is happening at the micro and macro level connecting the events between them. Aficionado about data visualization, representation and dashboard creation because " A picture is worth a 1000 words ".

Tiago Costa
Worked as a Front-end Engineer over the last years, he is now working as Senior Software Engineer on Kibana at Elastic. He tries to run his life according his favorite philosophy: "Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them". Enthusiast about software, travelling, football, karting, (Port) wine and Alfa Romeo cars

João Duarte
João is a software developer and self-proclaimed “log whisperer” with a passion for all things event driven, Ruby, functional programming languages and distributed systems. He currently leads the team behind the open source streaming ETL tool "Logstash" at Elastic. Before that he worked at Portugal Telecom developing backends for IT, IPTV and broadband service monitoring and information security.



Thursday, March 28, 2019
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM UTC


  • João Duarte

    Principal Software Engineer I

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