2nd meetup of the Elastic Lisbon group!


Jan 5, 2017, 7:00 – 10:00 PM


About this event


Thank you for registering to the 2nd Elastic Meet up! We are finally ready to disclose our AGENDA:

18h30: Sight seeing from the rooftop (and the top view is always the best!)
19h: Welcome to Polarising, we are happy to have you! by João Luz, Services Manager, Polarising
19h15: The Telecom's event space with Elasticsearch by Filipe Almeida, Consultant and Elastic addicted, MEO
20h: Break (at our new lounge!)
20h15: "Stuff" a search engine can doby João Duarte, software developer and whisperer, Elastic
20h50: Chill out, pizza slice and beer boost!


The telecom's event space with Elasticsearch - Filipe Almeida (MEO)

This presentation talks about the works of an engineering team to leverage the awareness on the applications' state and performance using the Elastic Stack. This stack becomes the medium in which all teams congregate, evaluate and explore their applications' pulse in a near real-time fashion.

Then, adding the business events to the data paves the way to correlate these with the IT metrics creating new insights and establish the foundations that make foresight possible.

At a very young age, Filipe showed promising computer addiction in the northern Alentejo plains. As he grew, he became the whole village's helpdesk for a little while before learning how to get into BBSs, then morphing into the software dealer everyone knew and cherished. At the internet dawn, disgrace followed. He became a software engineer in the corporate world spending his free time fiddling with everything he can gets his hands on at the vanguard of technology. It's been so ever since.

"Stuff" a search engine can do - João Duarte

This presentation is an overview the full-text search capabilities of Elasticsearch and Lucene. It is an introduction to text analysis, indexing, searching, ranking and other neat things. It alternates between slides and practical examples.

João is a software developer and self proclaimed “log whisperer” with a passion for all things event driven, Ruby, functional programming languages and distributed systems. He develops the open source streaming ETL called Logstash at Elastic, and before worked at Portugal Telecom in systems monitoring and information security.



Thursday, January 5, 2017
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM UTC


  • João Duarte

    Principal Software Engineer I

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