Meetup #1 - Intro to Elasticsearch and New Features in version 1.0.x


Mar 27, 2014, 10:00 PM – Mar 28, 2014, 1:00 AM


About this event

We're excited to launch our first meetup.  We'll be covering a brief introduction to Elasticsearch, a look at new features in version 1.0.x and giving people the opportunity to meet other Elasticsearchers.

• 6pm doors open and social time

Followed by...

• Introduction

• New features in Elasticsearch 1.0.x including aggregation and APIs for cluster management

Issac will walk through some of the exciting new features of Elasticsearch 1.0.0. including aggregations. For managing a cluster the snapshot/restore and cat APIs make cluster management even easier. 


Isaac Rieksts is a Senior Software Developer who has been using Elasticsearch (ES) heavily for the last year. He has designed complex data models in ES with both nested documents and parent/child relationships. He also leads the design of the deployment architecture. 

James Tyack has been working in the Healthcare Data/Publishing industry for a number of years as senior developer and technical lead; designing and developing big data solutions augmented with SOLR and more recently Elasticsearch to provide data discovery and analytics capabilities. 



March 27 – 28, 2014
10:00 PM – 1:00 AM UTC


  • Gil Raphaelli

    Community Organizer

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