Elastic x Perth DevOps Group: Kubernetes & Three Pillars of Observability


Aug 29, 2019, 9:30 – 11:30 AM


About this event

�We're hosting a joint meetup with the Perth DevOps Group (https://www.meetup.com/DevOpsPerth/) for our next event. We will have speakers from both communities sharing. Come join us, bring any questions and your experiences along to discuss on the night.

�Venue instructions
Palace Training Room, Ground Floor
The Executive Centre
108 St. Georges Terrace

5.30pm - Doors and bar open
6.00pm - Take your seats armed with a beverage
Talk 1: Kubernetes and the Three Pillars of Observability by Stuart Duncan, Solutions Architect, Elastic
6.30pm - Break
6.45pm - Talk 2: A Dingo Ate My Framework: Strategies for Succeeding With Serverless by Matt Tyler, Software Engineer, Mechanical Rock
7.00pm - Q&A, mingling

Talk 1: Kubernetes and the Three Pillars of Observability by Stuart Duncan, Solutions Architect, Elastic

Kubernetes is becoming increasingly popular. While Kubernetes can dramatically simplify the task of application deployment in containers, it also adds new set of complexity for the day-to-day tasks of managing application performance and gaining visibility into services. In the dynamic world of microservices, containers and Kubernetes, traditional monitoring solutions are no longer sufficient to provide needed visibilities to maintain healthy and happy environments and applications. Instead, we need insights from all three pillars of observability: logging, metrics and tracing. During this talk Stuart Duncan, Solutions Architect at Elastic, will discuss the three pillars of observability and demonstrate how the Elastic Stack can be effectively used to gain true full-stack visibility on Kubernetes workloads.

Talk 2: A Dingo Ate My Framework: Strategies for Succeeding With Serverless by Matt Tyler, Software Engineer, Mechanical Rock

Serverless is a computing paradigm that changes the way in which we build and run applications. Pay-per-use managed services make it easier than ever to focus on creating compelling experiences for our users, but this comes at a cost. Sure, some problems are easier to solve with serverless, but others are harder. It can be a rough experience coming from popular web frameworks like Ruby-on-Rails, Express and .NET MVC.
I’ll go over what is driving my approach with serverless on AWS with some practical examples, and offer my thoughts on how to start succeeding with serverless.

� Local community organizers wanted!
We’d love to have this user group meet more regularly, so we’re looking for a local organizer who will help the group thrive, and the Community Team at Elastic is here to support you. If you’re interested email us at meetups@elastic.co.



Thursday, August 29, 2019
9:30 AM – 11:30 AM UTC

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