Hands on workshop with ELK


Jan 25, 2016, 4:00 – 8:00 PM


About this event

What will you learn?

During this workshop we will teach you how to:

• Set up and configure ELK on your local machine

• Define two pipelines in ELK:

    • Visualize criminal records from 2014 from LAPD: https://data.lacity.org/A-Safe-City/LAPD-Crime-and-Collision-Raw-Data-2014/eta5-h8qx

    • Visualize data from a http_access log

• Configure logstash to send the information to elasticsearch

• Define a mapping template in elasticsearch to shape our data, so that you can both search and aggregate.

•  Visualize the data in Kibana 4. Create a dashboard with a map to get insights from the data

If time allows, we will show you examples on how to parse java stacktrace logs with the grok filter plugin, and how to visualize data from a database using the jdbc plugin.

What do I need for the workshop?

• Own laptop with 5GB free disk space. Unix or Windows.

• Make sure you also have at least 4 GB RAM available.

• Java 8 installed

• A good text editor (like Notepad++ or similar).

• Download the following before the workshop.

     • the dataset for LAPD (choose Export-> csv)

     • elasticsearch, logstash and kibana from https://www.elastic.co/

• Create a directory ELK in you local system and unzip the files above

Food will be served, sponsored by Computas http://www.computas.com/

If you have food allergies or similar, leave a comment or send Sigmund a message.

Available seats: 15


• Marco Bertani-Økland

• Sigmund Hansen



Monday, January 25, 2016
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


  • Dennis Haug


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