Elastic July Meetup: Cyber-Security updates

New Zealand

Jul 4, 2019, 5:30 – 7:00 AM


About this event

Hi folks, it's been a while since we gathered in Wellington. Join us for a meetup on 4th July!

�Our Cyber Security Solutions Architect, James Spiteri, is in town and will be speaking about the exciting new release of Elastic Stack 7.2 [1]. He focus in on the debut of Elastic SIEM. The initial launch of Elastic SIEM [2] introduces a new set of data integrations for security use cases, and a new dedicated app in Kibana that lets security practitioners investigate and triage common host and network security workflows in a more streamlined way.

[1]: https://www.elastic.co/blog/elastic-stack-7-2-0-released
[2]: https://www.elastic.co/blog/introducing-elastic-siem

�Guest speaker
We have a guest speaker, Yanyu Qu (Data Engineer) from Revera to share with us his experiences in delivering large scale open-source and cloud based solutions for businesses from Uber/Grab to Funplus gaming company in Asia. He built Uber/Grabs data pipeline and infrastructure that extracts, processes and prepares every piece of data generated or consumed by Grab’s systems. This data was generated from 60m+ user using the ride sharing service. Yanyu has extensive knowledge and experience in AWS data platforms, opensource and technology stacks like Apache Spark, Elastic, Presto, Kudu, Hive to ingestion frameworks like Kafka.

5.30pm - 6.00pm - Doors open, registration, food and drinks
6.00pm - 6:30pm - TBA
6:30pm - 7.00pm - Q&A, Mingling

�Venue instructions
We are at Level 1 Client Central Room 6 + 7 of Spark Central.
Please take the escalators up to the Spark Level 1 reception and sign in before proceeding through to client central.
Do not take the elevators.

� Local community organizers wanted!
We’d love to have this user group meet more regularly, so we’re looking for a local organizer who will help the group thrive, and the Community Team at Elastic is here to support you. If you’re interested email us at meetups@elastic.co.



Thursday, July 4, 2019
5:30 AM – 7:00 AM UTC


  • Chris Mazur

    NZ community organizer

  • Karen Cárcamo


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