An Introduction to the ELK stack

New Zealand

Jan 12, 2015, 6:00 – 9:00 AM


About this event

We are delighted to announce our very 1st meetup in Auckland!

Thanks to Olympic Software for hosting us and to Mike and Sebastian for speaking!


19:00  Registration & Drinks

19:30 - Talk 1

20:15 - Talk 2

20:30 - Networking & Pizza

22:00 Wrap up

Talk 1 - Elasticsearch with FlockData

FlockData is a restful data integration platform built on ElasticSearch and Neo4j. It delivers highly searchable and mineable database functionality that connects across application boundaries.

Mike will discuss integrating ElasticSearch as a service in to the FlockData stack and how business users can share in the benefits of improved access to information.

Bio: Mike Holdsworth

Mike has worked internationally in roles from development to enterprise architect. Passionate about the impact of NoSql technologies on information management he founded the open source FlockData information management project.

Talk 2 - Lightning Talk on Elasticsearch on Windows from a Hosting & Development perspective

Bio: Sebastian Belczyk 

Sebastian Bełczyk is working as a Software Engineer at Olympic Software where he's developing e-commerce platform for one of the biggest and most recognizable retailers in the world. His experience includes working with many different domains from banking and insurance through media and government sector to education, car rental and consultancy. He's always keen to share his experience, insight and knowledge. He's an active member of the software craftsmanship movement (Code retreat facilitator) and programmers community (conference speaker and .net groups presenter). 

His vivid interest in various technologies, languages and practices  reflects his belief that even most difficult problems can be solved easily if you choose the right tools.



Monday, January 12, 2015
6:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC


  • Chris Mazur

    NZ community organizer

  • Karen Cárcamo


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