The Data Game


Jan 23, 2019, 12:00 – 2:00 AM


About this event

The Data Game

Given the data in your environment, think of a question. A question you know that can be answered by the data. How hard is it to get the answer? Often times the level-of-effort to get the answer is prohibitive. Many of us face this scenario every day as we're swimming in data, but not answers. As we push to be more data-driven, lowering the level-of-effort to get answers is critical to our success.

In this session we'll examine a data source and then start asking questions of it. Hypothetical questions at first, but we'll bring in Elastic to turn theory into practice as we ingest the data and leverage Elastic's search & analytics capabilities. We'll explore different options and their tradeoffs during the process. You'll leave feeling confident that you can do the same with your data.

Scott Gose is a Solutions Architect for Elastic. He's focused on helping companies unlock answers in their data by using Elastic. Prior to Elastic, Scott did two tours at Endeca, which was a company that helped pioneer the field of faceted search & navigation. He's also worked professionally as a software developer building iPhone applications and writing back-end services in Go. Scott has a Computer Science degree from the University of Illinois.

In (Elastic)search of Multi-Tenancy

Learn from the story of how SportsEngine built a member management product of over 260 million documents on top of ElasticSearch. Relive their harrowing journey through tens of thousands of shards, crushed clusters, mountains of pending tasks, and never-ending snapshots. Hear how they went from disaster to delight. They made all the mistakes, so you don't have to!

Andy Fleener is a Humanist and a New View Safety Nerd who believes software is as much about the people building and running it as it is the people using it. He is the Senior Platform Operations Manager at SportsEngine where he’s been doing a mix of development and operations since 2011. Andy enjoys music, football, sushi, oxford commas, and laughing at all the things millennials are ruining.

AJ Stuyvenberg
Lead Software Engineer focused on building, deploying, and maintaining highly scalable systems. Avid BASE jumper, wingsuiter, and general aviation nerd. Empowering teams and individuals.



Wednesday, January 23, 2019
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM UTC

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