Elastic{ON}'16: Stories, Successes, Salacity


Mar 2, 2016, 12:00 – 3:00 AM


About this event

MISSION: To carry the momentum of the Elastic{ON} users' conference and highlight Twin Cities Elastic search experts who continue to do great things with the platform.

Arrive early (open at 6pm), enjoy some food / bev, and settle in by 6:30. *Please bring your ID for admission, this is a 21+ event*

To start the meetup, our generous hosts and power users, Target Corp, will say hi and mention a few ways that Elastic core and analytics are having an impact on their organization.

Then, time for a rapid review of outcomes from Elastic{ON}: At time warp speed, tech guru Mike H from the Elastic team will share the latest and greatest capabilities and use cases, from shredding and transforming log files and time series data with Logstash, to hitting the beat with Beats, to tuning Elastic clusters for mega load and showing budget-inspiring information visualizations with Kibana. And more, Oh, there is more! Can you say "several super SaaS's" five times fast?

If you're new to the Elastic core, you'll be able to sit back and catch up in this high speed meetup, listening to new and cool reasons why this platform can be meaningful to your organization (and your tech career!). For those of you who know the Elastic core ropes, you'll want to hear about version updates and new features, tricks, services, and cases where Elastic has been taken up a notch by those elite uber geeks (like you) who make the world go around.

We encourage heavy duty tech speak and real world examples in these meetups. We'll ping experts in attendance for their smarts, too! This meetup is a place to talk software, hardware, and nitty gritty 1s and 0s... Elastic is moving fast, and tires screech when the elastic hits the road! So, please come ready to ask the hard questions and figure out how Elastic can give you and your team even more high tech advantages.




Wednesday, March 2, 2016
12:00 AM – 3:00 AM UTC

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