Elastic Meetup on Machine Learning

Mexico City

Nov 23, 2018, 12:00 – 2:00 AM


About this event

5:45pm - Doors Open

6:00pm - Welcome by Rolando Carrasco

6:15pm - Machine Learning in a nutshell by Brenda Galicia.

6:45pm - Machine Learning with Elastic by Nayelli Terrazas

7:30pm - Open discussion about the topics

8:15pm – Networking


Machine Learning in a nutshell by Brenda Galicia.
This talk is about to introduce some Machine Learning concepts to the audience. Brenda will go from the basics to some advanced topics and share to the audience the relevance of Machine Learning in software Development and in the our lives. She will share some examples on how Machine Learning is applied to some specific scenarios she's been studying and will setup the context for data analysis

Machine Learning applied to the Elastic.
Nayelli Terrazas will take it from where Brenda leaves it, and will elaborate how to apply the concepts of Machine Learning into Elastic. And also share with the audience the functionalities of Machine Learning that Elastic currently offers. She will open the conversation with the audience, in order to start sharing real life scenarios and also and experience she and Brenda have had with a Customer, implementing those functionalities.


Rolando Carrasco is an Oracle Groundbreaker ambassador and Oracle ACE specialized in API Management, SOA, Digital Transformation and Microservices. He has over 16 years of experience and has worked for companies like HP and Oracle. Currently is the CTO of a Mexican consulting firm by the name S&P Solutions which is a very solid Oracle partner for the latin american market.

Rolando has been a constant OOW speaker and a constant contributor within the community with blogs, videos, webinars, podcasts, presentations and event coordinations. Rolando's specialization is around Serverless, Microservices, Service Orientation, DevOps, Chatbots and APIs. He is co-author of the book Oracle API Management 12c Implementation, published by PACKT on 2015, and has contributed as a Technical Reviewer for at least three books during the last 3 years. He is currently working on a new outline for Apress Publisher for a book around Serverless architecture.

Brenda Galicia is member of the S&P Solutions consultants' team. S&P Solutions is an Oracle's Gold Partner also has acquired partnership with RedHat, MuleSoft, Apigee and Google for latin american market. Brenda has experience in SOA solutions, web applications and artificial intelligence, she is specialized on machine learning field.

Nayelli is a member of S&P Solutions; is a very versatile professional with high skills on Service-orientation, data analysis, distributed systems and cloud Development. She is the lead for the ELK initiative in S&P Solutions; leading the professional services efforts, education and planning. She has very strong programming skills , as well as architectural designing, which make her a very complete profesional. She has been involved in a couple of Elasticsearch Projects , and in specific with the Machine Learning piece, she has already delivered a successful Project with it.



Friday, November 23, 2018
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM UTC

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