Jolly June at the Melbourne Elastic User Group Meetup


Jun 28, 2016, 8:00 – 10:30 AM


About this event

G'Day all,

We've got another great lineup for our 2nd ever Melbourne event, hosted again by the fantastic team at Seek!

First up we have Aaron Wallis (@d2kagw), Director and Founder, from Lexer. Lexer are a local startup that have built some amazing user analytics on top off Elasticsearch. Aaron will walk us through their product, how it all works and where it ties into the stack.

We then have Benson Lim (@pugnusferreus) from Education Services Australia. He'll talk about how they went from nothing to a functioning Elastic stack for log collection strategies, and share some of the lessons they have learned from the exercise.

Get in quick, as places are limited and these look to be two great topics.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

Christian and the Elastic Team



Tuesday, June 28, 2016
8:00 AM – 10:30 AM UTC

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