Elastic Stack 6.0 - It's almost here!


Nov 23, 2017, 7:00 – 9:30 AM


About this event

G'Day y'all,

In the immortal words of Joe Snow (Jon's younger and less well known cousin, trust us here), "6.0 is coming". To help you, our awesome community members, prepare we will be doing a run through of the major changes that will land with the Elastic Stack in 6.0.

We have things like rolling-major version upgrades, even more lucene data structure optimisations, sequence IDs, saying farewell to _types, dashboard modes, automated cluster alerts, Logstash pipelines and a pipeline viewer, Beats integration with kubernetes and a whole raft of new Beats modules.

Our Pioneer Program also makes a return, so if you are already using the beta or RC releases of the stack and are submitting issues, you're a winner!

There's way, way, way, way more, but if I tell you more then there's no reason to have the meetup (boooo!), so make sure you come along to hear first hand how much awesomeness we have packed into our 6.0 release (yay!).

Our friends at Seek.com.au are lending us their awesome space for this event and will be providing resfreshments for all.

The local Elastic team will also be attending, so there's even less of an excuse not to come! ;) RSVP now because there may also be some special swag making an appearance, and we don't want you to miss out!

See you then,

The Elastic ANZ team



Thursday, November 23, 2017
7:00 AM – 9:30 AM UTC

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