November Meetup


Nov 12, 2013, 6:30 – 9:30 PM


About this event

Slightly earlier than previously announced, we're hosting the next meetup in conjunction with the London Strata conference in November. We've got the following lined up;

• Graham Tackley from The Guardian, talking about "Real time attention data at the Guardian"

• Andrew Clegg from Pearson, talking about "Tuning ElasticSearch for multi-terabyte analytics" 

• Q&A with Shay Banon and Costin Leau from ElasticSearch

Pizza & beer will be provided on site and we'll head off to the pub afterwards. I look forward to seeing you all there!

This meetup will be hosted in the offices of Red Badger, at 12 Mallow Street, London, EC1Y 8RQ. Only a few minutes walk from Old Street tube station.

If anyone's interested in giving a talk at a future meetup, I'd love to hear from you. Please contact me on the meetup site, or on twitter: @YannCluchey. Thanks!

Here is a more detailed summary of Graham's talk; is one of the world’s most popular news websites, visited by over 80 million unique browsers every month. Yet in the past our journalists and editors found it difficult to get meaningful, timely data on what people were reading. Even the minority granted access to our traditional analytics tools struggled to get actionable information. 

Over the last year, we’ve built “ophan”, an in-house real-time analytics system. By working closely with journalists and editors, we’ve focussed on what they can action to provide a better experience for our existing readers and enable more people discover our unique content. By allowing access to all Guardian employees, we’ve empowered many more people internally to contribute to expanding our engagement and reach.

And by being seriously resource constrained - two people, part time - we’ve robustly prioritised, rapidly evolved our cloud-based architecture and necessarily valued simple iterative delivery above all else.

Cloud hosted elasticsearch made this possible. This talk tells the story of why we created this system, how we evolved from in-memory tracking to elasticsearch, and some insight into how we use elasticsearch today.



Tuesday, November 12, 2013
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM UTC


  • Carly Richmond


    Developer Advocate

  • Naoise Rush


    Community Program Associate

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