March Meetup


Mar 24, 2015, 6:30 – 9:30 PM


About this event

Hi folks, this meetup will take place on Tuesday 24th March at the Ball Brother's Minster Exchange on Mincing Lane. Here is the agenda;

• [18:40] Paul Stack, Developer at OpenTable, talking about: "How do you scale a logging infrastructure to accept a billion messages a day?"

• [19:20] Jamie Turner, CTO and Co-founder at Postcode Anywhere talking about Elasticsearch at Triggar

• [20:00] Break

• [20:10] Q&A with Alan Hardy and Richard Pijnenburg from elastic

The talks will start at 18:30. There will be pizza & drinks. Afterwards, we'll retire to a nearby pub. 

If anyone's interested in giving a talk at this meetup or a future one, I'd love to hear from you. You can contact me on the meetup site, or on twitter: @YannCluchey. Thanks!

More about Paul's talk:

How do you scale a logging infrastructure to accept a billion messages a day?
Over the past year, OpenTable have been re-architecting their system from a monolithic architecture to move more towards microservices and small applications. As the infrastructure has changed, so to the logging infrastructure has had to change. Originally we had a logging solution where all logs where based in SQL Server. We then adopted the ELK stack. This allowed us to be able to scale more.
As the company moved into the cloud, we had to be able to scale even more. We decided that we would move to Apache Kafka.
This talk is all about the steps we went through and how we approached the work as well as the lessons learned. We are now in a position where we are able to elastically scale our logging infrastructure easily.
At the end of this talk, Paul will have demonstrated why Apache Kafka is a perfect addition to the ELK stack and how Apache Kafka allows us to add more resiliency and redundancy into our logging infrastructure 
Paul Stack is a London based developer working for OpenTable. Paul has spoken at various events throughout the world about his passion for continuous integration and continuous delivery and why they should be part of what developers do on a day to day basis. He believes that reliably delivering software is just as important as its development. Paul’s newest passion is the DevOps movement and how this helps not just development and operations but the entire business and it’s customers.

This meetup has been sponsored by eSynergy Solutions. eSynergy have a dedicated recruitment team placing interim and permanent staff with skill sets around Open Source technologies. If you are looking for a new opportunity or looking to build out a team please get in touch with Adele Green, or call 0207 444 4085.



Tuesday, March 24, 2015
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM UTC


  • Carly Richmond


    Developer Advocate

  • Naoise Rush


    Community Program Associate

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