March Meetup


Mar 20, 2018, 6:30 – 10:00 PM


About this event

The March meetup is being held at etc.venues Norton Folgate, courtesy of our sponsors Pure Storage. (Bishopsgate Court, 4-12 Norton Folgate, London, E1 6DQ) (PDF map w/ directions:

Please arrive at 18:30 for pizza, drinks & networking. Talks will start at 19:00.

Bonus: We shall be giving away one free bronze pass to Strata Data Conference / London / 21-24 May.


* Dr Michael Lawler, Data Analytics Partner at PwC UK will be talking about Enterprise Data Analytics on ElasticSearch - Tales from the Trenches

* Ryan Sayre, EMEA Tech Lead (Flashblade) from Pure Storage will be talking about; Dozens to Billions of Gubbins and Beyond: Turbocharging SW Dev Continuous Integration with Elastic

* Q&A

If you are interested in speaking at an upcoming event, please contact me on Twitter @YannCluchey or on Slack

More details about Michael's talk;

Our development team has spent over 10 years building an enterprise data analytics platform based on search. Somewhere along the way, we "bet the farm" on ElasticSearch and haven't looked back. In this presentation I will discuss how we use ElasticSearch to power various features of our solution and where some of our usage differs from typical ElasticSearch use cases. The main content will be a technical walk through some of the interesting areas we have explored with ElasticSearch and the lessons learned along the way.

Michael co-founded Selera Labs, an enterprise data analytics startup that provides actionable insight on record-level transaction data. Selera Labs was acquired by PwC UK in 2016. Michael has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and over 25 years of experience in developing information systems across the US, Asia and Australia in a variety of sectors including services, telecommunications, manufacturing and government. Michael now leads indirect tax data analytics at PwC UK, applying data analytics as a continuous monitoring function - detecting business exceptions earlier to improve financial performance, reduce effort and rework, and improve governance, risk and compliance.

More details about Ryan's talk;

* Abstract: Explosive demands of software QA / code analysis require flexible processing starting out with the ELK (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) platform and customising and modifying components along the way when needed. Ryan will cover the evolution of toolsets initially managing hundreds of software build and triage tests to our Spark-based workflow now managing millions of these operations. Data lakes and decoupling compute and storage in the modern era will also be discussed.
* Speaker Bio: Ryan Sayre is a technical lead covering unstructured data platforms for Pure Storage, Inc. He has held technical and leadership positions across the semiconductor, media and entertainment, supercomputing and healthcare industries. He advises as a technical strategist and frequently speaks on cyber-ethics and technology, and is a member and advisor at several innovation labs, hacker spaces, and startup accelerators.



Tuesday, March 20, 2018
6:30 PM – 10:00 PM UTC


  • Carly Richmond


    Developer Advocate

  • Naoise Rush


    Community Program Associate

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