January Meetup (in partnership with BCS DevSecOps Group)


Jan 31, 2018, 6:30 – 9:30 PM


About this event

We kick off 2018 with an awesome meetup, in partnership with the BCS DevSecOpsGroup. The meetup will be held at the British Computer Society offices; 5 Southampton St, London WC2E 7HA. Head up to the first floor.

Please arrive at 18:30 for pizza, drinks & networking. Talks will start at 19:00.

*** Please note that you must also register on the BCS web site. ***

Here's the agenda;

• Robin Moffatt, Partner Technology Evangelist at Confluent, will talk about Building Streaming Data Pipelines into Elasticsearch with Apache Kafka and KSQL

Companies new and old are all recognising the importance of a low-latency, scalable, fault-tolerant data backbone, in the form of the Apache Kafka streaming platform. With Kafka, developers can integrate multiple sources and systems, which enables low latency analytics, event driven architectures and the population of multiple downstream systems. These data pipelines can be built using configuration alone.

In this talk, we’ll see how easy it is to stream data from sources such as databases into Kafka using the Kafka Connect API. We’ll use KSQL to filter, aggregate and join it to other data, and then stream this from Kafka out into targets such as Elasticsearch, and see how time-based indices can be used. All of this can be accomplished without a single line of code!

• Charlie Hull, Owner & CEO at Flax and Harry Waye, CTO at Arachnys talk about Finding the Bad Actor: Custom scoring & forensic name matching with Elasticsearch

Identifying names and their many variants in free text is hard! Explaining how Lucene's underlying scoring mechanism works to your end user is harder. Charlie Hull, co-founder of search specialists Flax and Harry Waye, CTO of risk and compliance technology and data company Arachnys, will tell how they created custom name matching & scoring plugins for Elasticsearch and will demonstrate why it's so important to be able to explain your tricks to an audience!

• Q&A

If you are interested in speaking at an upcoming event, please contact me on Twitter @YannCluchey or on Slack https://elastic-uk.slack.com/



Wednesday, January 31, 2018
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM UTC


  • Carly Richmond


    Developer Advocate

  • Naoise Rush


    Community Program Associate

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