Elastic 7.0 Features


Jun 4, 2019, 2:30 – 5:00 PM


About this event

��Please join us for the first Elastic Helsinki meetup!

�We will have two presentations:

* Log Management with the 6.x Elastic Stack by Antti Okkonen from THL

THL in Finland is using the Elastic stack for log management of tens of servers and systems. The system uses Beats, Kafka & Logstash for ingesting data into Elasticsearch and Kibana for analysis, monitoring and alerts. Let’s go through the system, architecture, project and share experiences for similar cases.

* New features of Elastic 7.0 by Abdon Pijpelink and Melvyn Peignon from the Education team at Elastic


17:30 Doors open + pizza & beer & mingling
18:00 Talk 1: Log Management with the 6.x Elastic Stack by Antti Okkonen from THL
18:30 Talk 2: New features of Elastic 7.0 by Abdon Pijpelink and Melvyn Peignon from the Education team at Elastic
19:00 Mingling
20:00 Meetup ends

�Food and beverages will be provided.



Tuesday, June 4, 2019
2:30 PM – 5:00 PM UTC


  • Amir Jalal


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