Meetup Elasticsearch France #6


May 14, 2014, 5:30 – 7:30 PM


About this event

Attention ! Nombre de places limité ! Comme toujours, si vous avez un empêchement, merci de ne pas bloquer des sièges inutilement ! 
Ouverture des inscriptions 30 avril 2014 à 10:00.

Voici notre sixième meetup pour la communauté francophone Elasticsearch.

Pour la soirée, nous aurons le plaisir d'être accueillis chez Nuxeo !

La soirée sera organisée autour d'un accueil par Nuxeo et Elasticsearch (5 mn) suivi de deux talks :

Beyond RDBMS limits - Elasticsearch and Nuxeo (30 mn)

Benoit will give an overview of Nuxeo's index/search architecture and the litmits brought by the use of traditional RDBMS. He will then explain how we integrated Elasticsearch to Nuxeo to go beyond those limits while keeping consistency and gaining richer Search and analytics feature.

Par Benoit, Nuxeo 

Benoit joined Nuxeo in 2002. He is a Nuxeo Platform core developer working mainly on the performance field. He's also the author of Funkload, a functional and load web tester written in Python.

Real-time analytics for Big Data - Elaticsearch and Hadoop (30 mn)

An overview of how Elasticsearch powerful real-time capabilities enrich Hadoop development. The session will showcase how to perform real-time searches on top and within Hadoop, Hive, Pig or Cascading jobs to get better answers, fast. 

We'll cover architectural topics such as index scalability, data locality and partitioning between the Hadoop cluster and the search index, using off and on-premise storages (HDFS, S3, local file-systems) and multi-tenancy. 

Par Costin Leau. Costin is an engineer at Elasticsearch, leading the Hadoop efforts

N'hésitez pas à prendre des photos de la soirée et à les partager sur twitter ( #elasticsearch ) et sur ce meetup !

A l'issue de la soirée, food and beverage offertes par elasticsearch !



Wednesday, May 14, 2014
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM UTC


  • David Pilato


    Developer | Evangelist

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