Elastic Paris Meetup


Jul 29, 2015, 4:45 – 7:45 PM


About this event

18h45 - 19h: Accueil
19h - 19h30: Basis Technology
19h35: Canal +
20h05 - 20h45: Networking

Présentation 1 par Basis Technology 

Title: Fuzzy Name Matching Plug-In for ElasticSearch 

Normalization is crucial to high quality search results -- who wants irrelevant variations between queries and documents leading to missed hits (e.g., “celebrity” v. “celebrities”)? Normalizing dictionary words works, but what if your application focuses on names? Whether you’re tackling log analysis, e-commerce, watch list screening or other applications, names are often the key. Can you find “Abdul Jabbar, Karim” if you search for “Kareem AbdalJabar” or “كريم عبد الجبار”? Applications using Elasticsearch provide some fuzziness by mixing its built-in edit-distance matching and phonetic analysis with more generic analyzers and filters (see example #1 or #2). We’ve tried to go beyond that to provide both better matching and a simpler integration. We use a custom Mapper and Score Function so that linguistic nuances can be handled behind-the-scenes. We’ll talk about how we built this sort of plug-in for Rosette, its customization, and its connection to broader trend of entity-centric search.

Declan Bio:
Declan Trezise is the Senior Customer Engineer for Basis Technology, based in the UK. He has many years of experience working out the thorniest problems of converting unstructured text into actionable insight, and communicating complex technical solutions to audiences at all levels and walks of life – from international royalty and heads of state to rock stars.

Présentation 2 par Canal+: 

Title: KISS - Retour d’expérience sur l’utilisation d’ElasticSearch chez Canal+.

Nous parlerons search-as-you-type, indexation multi-source, supervision, micro-service, devops, cloud, et autres buzz-words. Nous aborderons certaines des problématiques rencontrées et les solutions mises en place. 


 Architecte Technique/Consultant Search chez CGI.

Travaille depuis 2007 au sein du pôle ECM de CGI sur des projets search (Fast ESP, SolR, Sinequa, Elasticsearch). En mission depuis 18 mois chez Canal+ sur le projet de refonte KISS. Utilisateur (enthousiaste) d’ElasticSearch depuis 2012.


Architecte chez Canal+

Responsable du projet Search sur le projet de refonte KISS.



Wednesday, July 29, 2015
4:45 PM – 7:45 PM UTC


  • David Pilato


    Developer | Evangelist

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