Elastic Paris Meetup #21


Sep 22, 2016, 5:00 – 8:00 PM


About this event

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19:00 - Accueil

19:30 - Elastic (Aaron Mildenstein)

20:00 - Elastic (Bahaaldine Azarmi)

Elasticsearch Curator

Elasticsearch Curator version 4 introduced a lot of changes, but also offers much more control.  Learn more about these changes in this 30 minute presentation. Time permitting, questions about the upcoming Logstash 5.0 will be answered.

Aaron Mildenstein is a former SysAdmin who found his creative outlet writing code to help wring useful information from log files and performance metrics of all kinds. He discovered Logstash and Elasticsearch in 2011 and has never been the same since.

He started developing and extending Logstash and Elasticsearch Curator for Elastic full-time in October 2013.

Elastic Prelert

Elastic, the company behind Elasticsearch, and the Elastic Stack, has acquired Prelert, a leading provider of behavioral analytics technology. Elastic will integrate the Prelert technology into the Elastic Stack, and will offer it as part of its subscription packages in 2017, giving Elastic customers more capabilities to solve complex use cases such as cybersecurity, fraud detection, and IT operations analytics, among others.

Baha will present with a quick demo how you can do performant anomaly detection with Prelert and Elasticsearch.

Bahaaldine Azarmi, Baha in short, is a Solutions Architect at Elastic. Prior to this position, Baha co-founded reachfive, a marketing data-platform focused on user behavior and social analytics. Baha also worked for different software vendors such as Talend or Oracle, where he held a Solutions Architect or Architect position. Baha is based in Paris and has a Master's Degree in computer science from Polyech'Paris.

Merci à Younited Credit pour l'accueil !

Créée en 2009, YOUNITED CREDIT (ex-Prêt d’Union) est la seule plateforme web de crédit aux particuliers en Europe disposant de son propre agrément d’établissement de Crédit (agrée auprès de l’ACPR et de l’AMF). Notre modèle, totalement mutualisé, permet à des investisseurs (personnes physiques, mais aussi morales : entreprises, caisses de retraites, assureurs etc.) de financer directement les crédits à la consommation des particuliers.

Notre FinTech a été ouverte au public en France en décembre 2011, en Italie en mars 2016 et nous serons bientôt présents au pays des Tapas et du Real ! Nous sommes une jeune équipe de 120 collaborateurs talentueux (X10 en 4 ans), et ensemble, nous avons déjà financé près de 300 Millions € de prêts. Notre objectif ? Conquérir l’Univers l’Europe!

Une levée de fond de 48 Millions € a été menée auprès d’investisseurs prestigieux dont Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, Eurazeo, Schibsted-Le Bon Coin, AG2R la Mondiale, et de business angels dont Xavier Niel, Pierre Kosciuzko-Morizet, Weber Investissements.



Thursday, September 22, 2016
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


  • David Pilato


    Developer | Evangelist

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