First Look: Full Stack Monitoring of Java Apps on PCF with the Elastic Stack


Oct 17, 2018, 11:30 PM – Oct 18, 2018, 1:30 AM


About this event

Our next meetup is a joint meetup with the Colorado Cloud Foundry Meetup group. Please RSVP on their page:

Real User Monitoring (RUM), Application Performance Monitoring (APM), space and app logs, BOSH logs and metrics, underlying infrastructure metrics... There is so much log and metrics data to collect, visualize, and take action on from your Applications and PCF environment. Typically this is collected and logged into a number of different tools that rely on manual correlation via "tool hopping." Stephen Brown will provide a first look at what this could like when all the data is collected and visualized into a single tool, the Elastic Stack.

Stephen Brown is a Sr. Principal Solutions Architect at Elastic. He came up through the software engineering ranks and ended up as Vice President of Software Engineering at the data and analytics company CoreLogic where he built a core dev team as part of the Innovations Labs to deliver cloud native apps and services on top of Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Now at Elastic he gets to indulge in his some of his favorite pastimes… brewing a tasty cup of espresso and ingesting, analyzing and visualizing interesting data sets.



October 17 – 18, 2018
11:30 PM – 1:30 AM UTC


  • Matteo Rebeschini


  • Olivia Petrie

    Community Programs

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