CS Open Source: Elasticsearch: What is it? What does it do? How might I benefit?


Jan 8, 2019, 12:30 – 3:30 AM


About this event

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*** Presentation Description ***

Elasticsearch is an open-source, scalable, distributed search and analytics engine. Most people know Elasticsearch as a the de-facto standard for application search use cases. What many may not know is how the Elastic Stack (known by many as the ELK stack) has evolved to become one of the most used platforms for logging and more recently for full-stack observability thanks to the improved support for metrics and the addition of application performance monitoring features.

During the presentation Matteo Rebeschini, Solutions Architect at Elastic, will discuss the evolution of the Elastic Stack, highlight some of latest features and go over different best practices and deployment options for AWS.

*** About the Presenter ***

Matteo Rebeschini is a Solutions Architect at Elastic, where he works with customers on architecting real-time analytic solutions using the Elastic Stack. Matteo has over 18 years of experience in the software industry covering different roles, spanning from software engineering to technical product management and more recently consulting and solutions architecture. Matteo has a passion for open source technologies and the Colorado open spaces.



Tuesday, January 8, 2019
12:30 AM – 3:30 AM UTC


  • Matteo Rebeschini


  • Olivia Petrie

    Community Programs

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