Application Performance Monitoring (APM) with to the Elastic Stack


Feb 6, 2018, 12:30 – 3:30 AM


About this event

Elastic acquired Opbeat ( recently and and now has APM (Application Performance Monitoring) as a new offering. During this talk, you will hear from Geoff Bernard, Solutions Architect at Elastic, talk about this exciting new service and how it will help their users.

We want to try something new during this talk. We are looking to conduct a lightning talk session to open the floor up to our audience. This is a great opportunity for everyone to share anything about APM or Elastic stack related topic. Each talk will be 5 minutes. When you accept this meetup, there is a question that will ask you if you are interested in giving a talk during the lightning talk session. Please respond yes if you are interested.

• First 30 Minutes - Social (food and drinks will be provided, see below)

• 1 Hour - Presentation



Tuesday, February 6, 2018
12:30 AM – 3:30 AM UTC


  • Andrew McQuerry


  • Pablo Sarabia


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