Inaugural Elasticsearch Malmö Meetup


Nov 7, 2014, 4:00 – 7:00 PM


About this event

We are happy to announce our very first meetup in Malmö Sweden!

Join us for an evening of Elasticsearch fun with our own Honza Kral and Emil Cardell!

Thanks again to Foocafe who are the reason that we can make this meetup happen!

P.S. We have already got 15 sign ups via the Foocafe event site where you can sign up, too: Or feel free to sign up here and now. :)


4:30pm: Drinks and networking

5:00 p.m.: Talk 1 (Honza Kral)

5:45 p.m.: Talk 2 (Emil Cardell)

6:30 p.m.: Beers and Pizza and mingle time!

Talk 1: Honza Kral - Elasticsearch


Make sense of your (big) data using Elasticsearch

In this talk I would like to show you a few real-life use-cases where Elasticsearch can help you make sense of your data. We will start with the most basic use case of searching your unstructured data and move on to more advanced topics such as faceting, aggregations and structured search. I would like to demonstrate that the very same tool and dataset can be used for real-time analytics as well as the basis for your more advanced data processing jobs. All in a distributed environment capable of handling terabyte-sized datasets. All examples will be shown with real data and python code demoing the new libraries we have been working on to make this process easier.


Django developer and enthusiast. Python developer at Elasticsearch.

Since Honza is scared of the bright and shiny world of browsers, designers, and users he prefers to stay buried deep in the infrastructure code and just provides others with tools to do the actual site-building.
Since 2008 Honza has been building content web sites for fun and profit. During this time he discovered ElasticSearch which lead to him joining the company behind it in 2013 to work on the Python drivers.

Twitter: @honzakral
Github: HonzaKral

Talk 2: Emil Cardell - Thomas Cook Northern Europe


Amazing Log Management with Elasticsearch and Kibana in .NET 

Elasticsearch and Kibana is an easy to use open source stack that gives us both great aggregation and search capabilities with a user friendly UI.
In this session we will use LogFlow, a .net replacement to LogStash, to move logs from disk to stunning visuals.
If you haven’t seen Elasticsearch and Kibana before. Be prepare to be amazed.


Always looking for ways to find developer happiness, he looks outside the box and works actively to encourage developers to step out of their comfort zone to grow their love for creating amazing web applications. He is engaged in the developer community, speaking at conferences and contributing to multiple open source projects. Emil Cardell has been working on large public websites, communities and intranets for more than a decade, currently at Thomas Cook in Stockholm.




Friday, November 7, 2014
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC


  • Thomas Watson


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