Inaugural Elasticsearch Copenhagen Meetup


May 13, 2014, 5:00 – 8:00 PM


About this event

We're very excited to host the first ever Elasticsearch Copenhagen Meetup!

Alexander Reelsen and Karel Minarik, two Elasticsearch core developers, will be visiting Copenhagen to host an Elasticsearch training session. Since we're in town, we wanted to take the opportunity to schedule a meetup and share knowledge with our fellow community members.

Many thanks to the team at Falcon Social for helping us organize this meetup and providing a speaker!


We're still finalizing a few aspects of the agenda, but here's what we have for now:

19:00 - Doors open, food and drinks served

19:30 - Talks begin

20:45 - Talks end, networking amongst attendees

21:15 - Conclude meetup and head homewards

Talk Information

Elasticsearch as a Database and Real Search Service: Ludwig Magnusson, Falcon Social

The new Connect product is tracking user activity on web sites and combines that with user information gathered from social networks. The major challenge with creating this product was how to store the data in such a way so that we could query it in fine grained ways and still have it perform well. Is that possible? We did not know until we found Elasticsearch. Ludwig will tell the story of how we used Elasticsearch to create this product and give a demo of how it works.

Elasticsearch on Rails: Karel Minarik, Elasticsearch Inc.

Karel will talk about the design and implementation of the Elasticsearch-based models for Ruby and Rails applications, notably the  Repository and ActiveRecord patterns, sharing the history of this kind of support in Ruby, explaining the choices he did, and showing the demo applications. He will close by a QA session on everything Elasticsearh and Ruby related.

What's new in Elasticsearch: Alexander Reelsen, Elasticsearch Inc.

Elasticsearch is moving fast! Every release is packed with new features or important bugfixes, and it can be hard for users to keep up. This presentation will explore the latest and greatest features of Elasticsearch. Alexander Reelsen, one of the Elasticsearch developers, will guide you not only through these features but also explain the rationale behind the development decisions. And, instead of looking only at past releases, we will also take a look at whats coming next!

Speaker Bios

Ludwig Magnusson

Ludwig is the lead developer for the new Connect product at Falcon Social where Elasticsearch was chosen as the technique for storing large amounts of user data while keeping it queryable. He has done web development since he could code and did mostly java for many years. Recently he has moved more towards JavaScript and is excited about techniques such as NodeJS and Angular.

Karel Minarik

Karel Minarik is an Elasticsearch core developer and the author of its Ruby language client. He lives in Prague, Czech Republic and has been focusing on creative uses for Lucene-based search engines for querying, aggregating and data-mining applications. You can follow him on Twitter @karmiq.

Alexander Reelsen

Alexander Reelsen is an Elasticsearch developer, who is interested in all things search & scale. Having done web development on the JVM for a couple of years, he decided it is time to switch to something new and has been working on Elasticsearch for quite some time now. Besides that, he loves basketball and enjoys either watching or playing whenever possible.



Tuesday, May 13, 2014
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


  • Thomas Watson


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