Introducing the ELK Stack + Elasticsearch and .NET


May 20, 2015, 11:30 PM – May 21, 2015, 2:30 AM


About this event

Thanks to the fine folks of the Chicago .NET Users Group (CNUG), we're co-hosting a meetup at Microsoft's offices in Downer's Grove.

Many thanks to Microsoft and CNUG for having us!

Please note that Microsoft's offices require a guest list in advance, so please ensure that you RSVP using your full legal name as listed on your government issued photo ID.

We will be serving food and drink, so come hungry for both knowledge and noms.

We're working out the final schedule details, but here's our current draft agenda:


6:30 PM: Doors open, refreshments served

7:00 PM: An Introduction to the ELK Stack - Dave Erickson

7:40 PM: Elasticsearch & .NET - TBD

8:10 PM: Wrap up talks & head homewards

Talk Information

An Introduction to the ELK Stack

In this session, you’ll learn how the combined forces of the Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (the ELK Stack) can enable you to mine business intelligence information from disparate data streams—in real-time. We’ll examine these concepts through the lens of real-world implementations of the ELK stack by users like GitHub, Mozilla, and Wikipedia. 

And we’ll cover forthcoming developments in the Elasticsearch product family, including the latest features upcoming in the milestone 2.0 release and beyond.You’ll leave this session with a better understanding of how the ELK can make harvesting, searching, and visualizing your data simple, while also discovering the key metrics that will make your projects more successful.

Speak Bios

Dave Erickson, Solutions Architect - Elastic

Dave Erickson is a software engineer and systems architect with a wealth of experience in distributed systems and real time analytics.  Dave's recent work ranges from air traffic control systems to massive health care applications with a current specialization in running around the country talking about cool tech like Elasticsearch and the ELK stack.  Dave is a Solutions Architect for Elastic living in the DC metro area.



May 20 – 21, 2015
11:30 PM – 2:30 AM UTC


  • Praveen Salitra


    Community Organizer

  • Sri Harsha Datla

    Community Organizer

  • J Coleman


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