All things open-source: Elastic APM, RHEL 8 OS, KSQL Recipes


Aug 20, 2019, 7:30 – 9:30 AM


About this event

⭐ We're hosting a joint meetup with the Brisbane Open-Source User Group ( and Confluent ( for our next event. We will have speakers from these communities sharing. Come join us, bring any questions and your experiences along to discuss on the night.

�Thanks to RedHat for sponsoring the venue. We'll be located at Level -3.

5.30pm - Doors open, food & drinks

6.00pm - Talk 1: Elastic Application Performance Monitoring by Michael Hyatt, Solutions Architect, Elastic

6.30pm - Talk 2: What's new in Next-generation RHEL 8 OS for traditional and Hybrid Clouds by Anand Vaddarapu and Ronald Monthero, Red Hat

7.00pm - Talk 3: Building Consciousness on Real Time Events: KSQL Recipes by Gnanaguru(Guru) Sattanathan, Systems Engineer, Confluent

7.30pm - Q&A about anything open-source related


�Talk 1: Elastic Application Performance Monitoring by Michael Hyatt, Solutions Architect, Elastic

Elastic APM is a free, open source APM solution, powered by Elasticsearch. We will start with an overview of Elastic APM and learn about its latest features, including Real User Monitoring (RUM) and the latest distributed tracing capability!
We will also go through a demo that shows how to monitor the performance of your Java applications and gain insight into your transactions and potential bottlenecks. Seeing application performance data from the browser all the way through different microservices across multiple runtime environments is incredibly valuable for both daily monitoring and troubleshooting.
Elasticsearch is the most popular open source solution for logs aggregation and metrics. When application performance monitoring (APM) data is enriched by logs and metrics from both the applications and the underlying infrastructure, you have 360 degree of visibility and full observability into your applications.

- Configuring your Java applications to deliver application performance metrics to the APM Server
- Leveraging advanced APM features with your Java applications
- Monitoring calls from the Java application to external REST services
- End to end monitoring with Real User Monitoring (RUM) and distributed tracing

�Talk 2: What's new in Next-generation RHEL 8 OS for traditional and Hybrid Clouds by Anand Vaddarapu and Ronald Monthero, Red Hat

RHEL 8 the big picture - A discussion to touch upon the offerings of this new-gen OS with 4.18 kernel and what it entails. A talk on the RHEL 8 - broadly classified into Base OS and App stream features .

- VDO - block-based disk deduplication and compression
- App Streams
- Terminal Session Recording
- Composer - multi-format image build tool
- In-Place Upgrades
- Insights
- yumv4

� Talk 3: Building Consciousness on Real Time Events: KSQL Recipes by Gnanaguru(Guru) Sattanathan, Systems Engineer, Confluent

From simple data processing to complex real-time event processing KSQL simplifies it all. Yes, KSQL is the streaming SQL engine that enables real-time data processing against Apache Kafka. It provides an easy-to-use, yet powerful interactive SQL interface for stream processing on Kafka.In this session lets build few KSQL use cases on the fly to understand how it is done and also discuss how you can get started with stream processing on your own.

� Local community organizers wanted!
We’d love to have this user group meet more regularly, so we’re looking for a local organizer who will help the group thrive, and the Community Team at Elastic is here to support you. If you’re interested email us at



Tuesday, August 20, 2019
7:30 AM – 9:30 AM UTC

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