Relevancy Tuning in Elasticsearch


Feb 4, 2020, 11:00 PM – Feb 5, 2020, 1:00 AM

50 RSVPs

About this event

Talk Abstract 1:

In this talk we’ll cover the basics of search relevancy in elasticsearch from how relevancy is calculated and modeled to modifying query structure, setting up analyzer chains and how to measure incremental improvements. The talk will highlight several real world relevancy scenarios encountered in the consulting work at KMW Technology, a leading provider of search professional services to major organizations.

Speaker Bio 1:

Rudi Seitz is a Java developer with 20+ years experience in the eCommerce, Financial Services and Life Sciences domains. Rudi works on Elasticsearch projects with a focus on relevancy tuning. Rudi is also a musician who has so far resisted all efforts to persuade him to perform his presentation as a power ballad.

Talk Abstract 2:

In this talk we'll cover the basic use case and value of Elastic App Search. Specifically, we'll discuss and demo the out of the box functionality for Relevance Tuning, Synonym Sets, Typo Tolerance, Auto Complete, Result Suggestions, Analytics, and more.

Bio 2:

Josh is a Search Specialist at Elastic focusing specifically on our out of the box search products - Site and App Search. I work specifically with new and existing customers to adopt and deploy our search solutions in a variety of use cases - ranging from simple website search to more complex, enterprise wide internal and external search use cases. Outside of supporting customers, Josh spends his free time pumping iron and traveling with his wife. 



February 4 – 5, 2020
11:00 PM – 1:00 AM UTC


  • Dan Morgan

    Community Organizer

  • Richard Juknavorian

    IT Squared

    Community Organizer

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