Kibana Canvas 6.5 preview


Oct 23, 2018, 11:00 PM – Oct 24, 2018, 1:00 AM


About this event

Kibana Canvas 6.5 preview

Canvas is the newest visualization feature in Kibana. It's a totally new and creative way to think about presenting your data. If you attended an Elastic{ON} event you may have seen it demo'd before. It's slated to be released as a Beta feature in the next 6.5 version of Kibana. Watch this demo and then try out a snapshot build on your own.

Lee Drengenberg is the Kibana QA Team Lead. He's seen the Kibana team and the product grow tremendously over the last 3 years. When not testing Kibana he's usually camping with his family, riding his Harley, or programming micro-controllers to do his bidding.

About Cardinality and Impact on performance in Elastic search

We will discuss impact of cardinality of terms in elastic search index performance which includes(1) Recap on analyzer , field data , doc_values (2) Performance on queries (3) Impact on different aggregations and options to tweak based on cardinality (4) Cardinality aggregation and hyperloglog.

We will also discuss few production scenarios related to above topics.

Nirmal Chidambaram works as Software Architect at CS DISCO where he makes sure e-Discovery search infrastructure stays healthy ( In case you are wondering whats e-Discovery - thats how lawyers search thru millons /billions of documents / patents related a litigations to produce evidence or identify supporting materials). Previously he worked at Bazaarvoice , Atlassian and Dell . Elasticsearch clusters he supported ranges from few thousands of documents to billions of documents in count ; queries range from few chars to few megabytes ; query traffic ranges from once_in_a_while to several thousands per second. In addition to designing and supporting elastic search infrastructure , he also patches/customizes elastic search ( plugins whenever it is possible) in case of a custom feature or if it can’t wait till next version.



October 23 – 24, 2018
11:00 PM – 1:00 AM UTC

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